Game Of Love

Those days in school when your friend becomes your crush and then the crush turns in to love…and then the one you love loves somebody else…   


Those were the days when we were together

Had all dreams in heart which would once be fulfilled

Had a special person in this little heart of mine

Someone who influenced my life so much

Shared all sorrows, laughed with every happiness

Those promises made, that surety given

All seemed to me so strong so true

That smile, those eyes every time made my day

For a moment I used to wonder…where did all those cries go?

Happiness seemed to never leave my face

Wonder who interrupted in between

Couldn’t really bare the shock

That separation that parting…unexpected moment came right in front of me

She was with him under my sight

Made my future dreams so light

I could hardly control my tears

They still linger around my eyes

A moment that makes me feel like screaming…screaming on my luck

For it just changed itself…Aah! It pains in my heart

And then this painful injured heart says

‘Love is a Game – there is a looser and a winner

And I have been a looser…Lost the game

Looser in the game of life…


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